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I want you to get this job part 4: FIFOs

The next question is more general. Just basically to get an idea if you know the parts of a FIFO and how they work together. I would recommend reading Cliff Cummings paper on the subject: http://www.sunburst-design.com/papers/CummingsSNUG2002SJ_FIFO1.pdf

This is a short post, since Cliff covered this very thoroughly and there is no reason for me to add much. Key take aways:

Grey coding

Full/ empty generation and why they are pessimistic such that you won’t ever overflow or underflow the FIFO.

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  1. for 10g Ethernet TX path, it’s running at 156Mhz. I got a parser runs much higher frequency, etc. 500Mhz plus. Apparently I need an async ingress FIFO to be put between the TX path and a design. But FIFO will introduces latencies. Is there a better way, that can send bursty packets cross domain without using such FIFOs? I imagine HFT industry might use some solutions to cross domain without introducing extra latencies?

    • The problem on the TX side is that you cannot starve the MAC when you are sending data, so you will need a FIFO or guarantee that you can keep the MAC fed. There are more efficient ways than using a vendor FIFO. I came up with one that I use, but I keep confidential. Nvidia has a patent on a 0 delay CDC FIFO, but I don’t think it’s practical for an FPGA.

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