Free Verilog simulators:
Tachyon-da: offers an open source version of it’s simulator. This was a commercial simulator from the 90’s. They also offer a paid version with more support and features.
Compiled simulator. Has some limitations in support, requires SystemC top level even if minimal for simulation. Used by lots of companies as a primary simulator. Knowing this would be a good step into a company.
Ikarus Verilog:
Alera and Xilinx also offer free version of simulators with their tools.
Altera and Xilinx offer web versions of their tools for smaller devices including SOC parts. I would recommend getting a student board or cheap board like the microzed or zedboard.
Wave viewing:
I found this one from someone’s homework assignment:
I’m hoping to cover some of the free simulators in more detail as I start my SystemVerilog coding section of the blog.